Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I have just sent a submitted a petition to the Law Society of Upper Canada to be admitted as a student member. I later found out that I was not accepted because I was not considered a person. Not considered a person!? Do I look like an animal to anyone?! I will not tolerate this, I will practise Law and I will be a lawyer!

1890- Graduation!

I have just come back from my graduation ceremony, oh what a day! Not only did I make my parents proud today but I also made myself proud. I have succesfully managed to major in mathematics something unheard of for females, no one can say that anymore can they? I also managed to graduate with high honours! The future is looking bright, I have broken through this barrier who knows what else I can achieve?! I must go join my fellow graduates for festivities, farewell for now!

1888- Trinity College

Today I have been accepted into Trinity College! Hooray! My mother and father will be so proud of me. I hope to follow in the footsteps of Grace Annie Lockhart who is the first woman to graduate from a Canadian university. To most this goal may seem absurd but stranger things have happened. When I gained knowledge of my accpentance I was quick to tell my parents and siblings they were all very supportive not mention pleasantly suprised.

Not everyone is as excited of my achievement as my family and I. Society considers me an outcast, women are not expected to attend school their work is at home taking care of their children and husband, but why should I care about the opinion of society that has no problem with child labour?! I hate the idea of my life being layed out for me by people who do not really care for my opinion or ideas. I really do hate that women let that kind of thing be done to them but mark my words I am one woman who will fight past these limited lives. Limits, limits, limits what an ugly word! That is a word that I hope to forget.

1929 - Women become "persons"

Today women are considered persons, equals with minds, idea, hopes, goals, dreams and ambitons. Do you understand the significance of that statement? Has it sunk in yet, because I am still unable to believe it! How long has it taken society to get to this point, how many arguements, debates and strikes had it taken? At times I had thought this goal was impossible and I had nearly lost all hope... but I did not. It only took one look at the world around me and then I was recharched with anger at this injustice and fully loaded with a new found drive. This is what helped me fulfill my personal goals but now you feminine readers of my blog can follow suite with less difficulty!

I strongly encourage all women to take this joyous oppurtunity to fulfill their dreams. We are now acknowledged as people so let us show them how wrong they were to ever treat us otherwise. Let this be a lesson to all self-righteous men that the female can be just as good as they are in any field. Let this be a reminder to all our daughters that they too are people and have more options in life than being a house wife. To all the women out there, let's be an example of what women can really do, let's represent our gender as we continue on this journey and push all limitations set before us because we truly can achieve the goals we set for ourselves!

Monday, May 31, 2010

1917 - Women gain right to vote in Federal Elections

At last suffrage has been granted! In federal elections that is. Some stubborn men still refuse to give women the right to vote in smaller meetings but that will hopefully change in the near future. I cannot possibly describe the joy I feel to you! The struggle that women went through to gain what I find a basic right is propesterous but the fact that certain women for example the suffragettes fought through it all is absolutely amazing not to mention admirable.

I feel the need to congratulate Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Irene Parlby, Louise Mckinney, Henrietta Muir Edwards and all the other women who have fought for our cause and pushed these ridiculous limits. As I have already said this achievement is just a small step on a long journey, we must push forward and never lose sight of our goal to be treated and respected as equals! If we continue on this road who knows what great things we can achieve in the future!

1917 - Conscription enacted

Conscription has now become law. Personally I dont feel that this is a good idea because laws that force people to do things that they do not want usually end disastorouly. It may not happen today but someday later on people will fight against it, people will disagree and eventually they will no longer hold their silence. I may be a lawyer but I do not always agree with the law. The law often looks at the situation of a large group of people and the exceptions are usually vague, for example a disabled man is excused from war. How about a man that is the sole provider for his family, or a man with an undiagnosed physical or mental condition? In our times medicne and such are not that advanced and not all situations are diagnosed. What happens to those who's dissabilities fall through the cracks?

Forcing people in to the war when they did not intend to is not a good idea. Think about it, there is a reason this person is resisting. If someone who is afraid to go to war is forced to what good will they be? Fear is a very strong emotion and sending them is potentially endangering the other soldiers. Laws like this plant seeds of hate into peoples hearts and hate can go a long way. I just wish the government would think ahead before they finalize these types of descision, that would be best.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

1914 - The Great War

Well, tension has finally broke out into war. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente are really going at it and Canada has sided with the Triple Entente ofcourse. My prediction is that the Triple Entente will come out victorious seeing as the Brittish Empire is so strong. Many allies have also been confirmed adding to the Empire's strength. Often when people think of the war they think of the big names, the government and the economy. How about the soldiers, their wives, their children, their parents and their friends?? These soldiers are people too! I can only imagine the things that they go through, the pain, the fear and the loss. War is really not an answer for anything I wish people could see that! Young men are being forced into all of this by conscription and patriotism they had lives, plans, and goals!

The tension turned into war when the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia were assisnated by a Serbian nationalist. I feel as if the people who are the root of the problem are just sending pawns to fight for them. What is the purpose of sending people to die?! Life is a very precious thing to everyone even if you are the Queen it doesn't mean your life is more precious than a peasant's. Sure you may have a higher title but stripped away of it you are both human, both feel, and both hold some purpose not matter how small. Many people that I know have been personally affected by this war and I see what they go through, it's truly tragic. At this point I cannot tell how long this war will last but I do know that it will leave huge effects. This war is also known as "The War to End All Wars" but is it really? This is just an example to future generations about how our society dealt with issues. Think about it are we not hypocrites telling our children not to hit others when we later expect them to kill!

I personally believe that we should find a more peaceful and civil way to deal with issues like in courts with lawyers. You would be surprised how much we can resolve if we listen to each others problems.